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"Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe." St. Therese of Lisieux Volume 8 Issue 6 March, 1999 Pax et Bonum! Happy Lent! The Lenten season is upon us. We recall those times when "giving up" things and doing lots of penance were the only options, it seemed. Lent, however, should be a positive time to demonstrate our Christian commitment. It is the time to DO something extra for God who "gave up" His own Son for us.As we reflect on the giving up theme, focus on the things we can "give up" that will prove to be pluses in our lives. We can "give up" some television and spend time in prayer or with the family. We can "give up" some sleep and get to morning Mass daily or frequently. We can "give up" treats from the bakery or grocery store and send that money to Our Daily Bread or a favorite charity. These offerings are much more meaningful to us and to our Lord. These positives make differences in our lives and the lives of our brothers and sisters. Whatever the challenges of "giving up" this Lent, remember that deep in our hearts we know that our Lord will help us grow during this holy season. He will help us prepare for Holy Week and Easter. Let us pray for each other in a very special way during Lent so that our Lenten journey this year will be rich and rewarding one. Peace, Mrs. S. Joyce Thaler
Revised Dates for Report Cards Being part of the pilot program for the "new" report card is a true learning experience! Even thought we have only been through the entire process once, we learned a great deal. One thing was that more time is needed at this point to allow for the teachers to enter grades into the program. Secondly, we cannot count on technology to be goof-proof and glitch free. To that end, we are moving the distribution of report cards back one week for all grades. Grades will still close the end of February for the 2nd trimester, but report cards will not be distributed until March 12 (grades K8). We ask that parents be sure to review the report card carefully. We use paper supplied by the Division of Catholic Schools. It has the shield of the Archdiocese in the background in blue. The report card is totally printed by the computer. If you have any reservations or questions please contact the teacher or school immediately. The signed envelope is due back to the HR teacher by Friday, March 19.The computerized report card was well received by most the first time around. Teachers found the use of the PC to be a major advantage. Like anyone learning a new program, it is taking a little extra time in the beginning stages. The clarity of reading the report card, the comments that added to the grades and the general format were all pluses. Your feedback is an important of this project. Be sure to let Mrs. Thaler or your childs teacher hear your thoughts.
Parking Lot -- Same Problems; New Solution Attempts Because many parishioners attend daily Mass during Lent, the back up of vehicles on Belair Road is even longer than usual. Some parishioners have expressed their concern about this to the school and to the rectory. An added concern, is the possibility that tickets could be issued for impeding traffic if citizens complain to the police.As some drivers realize, we began having the students report to the gym every morning. This began in November. It has become be our normal procedure. By doing this, students are supervised, more orderly (less mishaps), and can arrive anytime between 7:45 and 8:00 without worry. You are encouraged to have students arrive prior to 7:55/8:00 crunch. If drive times were spread out over the 15 minutes before 8:00 the back up on Belair Road would be reduced or eliminated. Students will enter the building beginning at 7:40 am. Prior to that time we cannot provide supervision and admission to the building is limited. Our second attempt to try to eliminate this back up involves snaking the drop-off line on the parking lot. This will allow more vehicles to come onto the property. (Disney World does the same thing with lines to make many people take up less space.) No drivers are to park or drive in front of the school by the gym. Reminder, too, that parents should be dropping off students. All can find the gym in the morning!! This will begin on Tuesday, March 2. The safeties and cones will provide direction. Check out the diagram below.THERE ARE NO CHANGES FOR SOUTH ENTRANCE DRIVERS OR KINDERGARTEN-ONLY DROP-OFFS. Thus only the changes for those entering via the north entrance are shown below. Those entering from the South and those for Kindergarten only, keep doing what you are doing!!
Student Council Happenings Good Samaritan Food Drive for Our Daily Bread March 824 As part of our Christian commitment to help Gods poor, we will be collecting non-perishable food in each grade level during March. Each grade level will be assigned a wishlist of specific food items given to us by Our Daily Bread. A goal will be set for each grade. If the goal is reached, the grade level will have an Out-of-Uniform Day on Wednesday, March 31. Watch for a flyer from the Student Council next week.
Childrens Scholarship Fund Applications Being Accepted In the fall you may recall that philanthropists John Walton and Ted Forstmann named the children of Baltimore as recipients of $1 million in scholarships to private and parochial schools. These grants (up to a maximum of $1500 for K8 and $2300 for 912) are awarded by means of a drawing. There are no academic qualifications. However, there is a residency requirement before one can apply. The student must reside with the parent(s)/guardian(s) within the limits of Baltimore City.If you would like more information about the CSF program or wish an application call 1-800-805-KIDS.
CSW Book Fair a Resounding Success Mrs. Piersanti wishes to thank all the volunteers and those that purchased books at our annual book fair. In the course of the week, over $6300.00 of books and associated items were purchased. These high sales return to our shelves in over $1000 in books from Scholastic and $2000 for Mrs. Piersanti to spend on any other books or materials she and the teachers feel our collection would benefit from for the students. Many thanks to Mrs. Piersanti and her faithful crew for a job well done!!
Register Receipt Programs Ending for This Year lease remember to send in your SuperFresh, Giant, and Metro cash register receipts this month. These programs are drawing to a close for the 1998-99 school year. All receipts must be clipped, bundled, and totaled for us to redeem. We need your receipts ASAP. Watch future newsletters for lists of the goodies we buy for the classrooms with your grocery receipts.
Thanks to St. Joes Holy Name Society for their generous donation of $1000 to our school endowment fund. This parish organization is a strong supporter of our school and our children. This support is greatly appreciated!
Congratulations to The following students who have been offered scholarships to our Catholic High schools.
These scholarships total $28,500 per year for the next four years. The following grade 7 students whose poetry was selected to appear in the 1999 Anthology of Poetry by Young Writers.
...The following families who were winners in the drawing for prizes associated with the HSA candy bar sale.
HOME SCHOOL ASSOC. NEWS ATTENTION ALL PARENTS! NOTE GRANDPARENTS DAY CHANGES! Grandparents Day will be held on Wednesday, March 17. Following a service in the Church at 11:00 am, grandparents/special friends are invited to eat lunch in the classrooms. Hot dogs will NOT be served this year and each family is asked to make a sandwich for each of their guests. Please have your child bring the sandwich(es) in THAT MORNING. The HSA will provide chips, drinks, and desserts (for guests only). Please make special note of this on your calendar so your guests have something to eat when they return to the classrooms. Also, we are asking parents NOT deliver any fast food to the classroom for lunches. If you have any questions, please call Paula Beres at 410-256-8871
FASHION SHOW REMINDER St. Josephs Home School Association invites you to SWING INTO SPRING at its annual Fashion Show and dinner at the Columbus Gardens on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 from 6:30 10:30 PM. Tickets are $20. Call Gina at 410-529-0167 or Marlene 410-529-0324 for reservations.Raffles/Door Prizes and Special Drawing for "Table of 10" Sellers
FAMILY BOWLING DAY Mark your calendar!! Plan to join in on the fun with your friends and classmates. The HSA will again sponsor a "Family Bowling Day" at AMF Country Club Lanes (1955 Pulaski Hwy) on Saturday, March 20 from 2:30 to 5:30 PM. Cost is $5.00 for shoe rental and 3 hours of bowling. Flyers will be coming home soon. For more details call Karen Harris 410-529-2429.March Calendar