St. Joseph School, along with the parish, sponsor the following Activities and
| Anti-Drug Education Activities - Students are taught the moral and physical effects of drugs in their classrooms.
This activity is usually done once a year- starting in the primary grades. |
| Altar Servers - Students in grades 6 and 8 can
volunteer to serve the parish community as Altar Servers. The training starts at the end of 6th grade and students may
participate in it up to their years in high school. The Alter Servers usually only are
assigned once every few months at a mass time of their preference. Commitment is an important part of this activity. |
| Athletic Association - Athletics are important to
student life at St. Joseph School. The Athletic Association provides many organized
sports for all the young people of the parish. Contact the rectory or watch the
parish bulleting for details from season to season. |
| Before and After School Care - Provided by the White
Marsh Child Care Center. Services are provided on site or at a WMCCC center. (WMCCC
leases the Scout Building from the Parish.) |
| Catholic Schools Week - This is a fun time for the students and teachers alike. There are a few days for
open house when the parents come see the students at work. There is also festivities for
the students and teachers. |
| Children's Choir - The Children's Choir is a parish
sponsored group open to students in grades 3 through 6. The parish music director
coordinates this program. Rehearsals are held in the evening. Children
participate at school liturgies as well as parish liturgies and functions. |
| Coach Classes - Coach classes are unique to the
middle school. Students who are having problems with the material covered in class
are encouraged to attend the weekly coach class. The teachers will work one-on-one
or with a small group to help reinforce or re-teach material. Students should come
prepared with specific questions or problems. Coach class is held at 7:40 a.m. in
the teacher's classroom. A regular schedule is maintained for the year so that
parents and students are clear as to the assigned day for each subject area. (This
schedule is subject to change AND the parents will be notified.) |
Monday -
Mathematics Tuesday - Language Arts
Wednesday - Spanish
Thursday - Science
Friday - Social Studies
| Counseling - Counseling is offered through the
Children's Continuum of Associated Catholic Charities. The service encompass:
short-term counseling for students and their families, information and referral to
appropriate community resources, consultation with faculty and administration, and
assistance with assessment and counseling for students demonstrating evidence of learning
problems, behavioral disruptions, emotional distress, and/or family dysfunction. The
counselor is available one day per week to work with students and parents.
Appointments are scheduled through the school nurse, Referrals may be mad by
teacher. Students and parents can also request an appointment. |
| Cross Country Club - In the fall, the school
participated in Cross Country competition with neighboring schools. This group is
open to all who want to run, sprint, and enjoy sports. Students in grades 4 through
8 take part in this program. Several faculty members volunteer as our coaches. |
| Child Safe - Students
in the 8th grade may participate in a child safe program which reaches them how
to be aware of and how to protect themselves from being a rape victim. |
| D.A.R.E. - Students in
the 6th grade take part in the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. A
police officer comes to the school to give the 6th graders and accelerated
awareness program on drugs. |
| Field Trips - Students
from the 1st through 8th grade may go on academic field trips to
anywhere from The Walters Art Gallery to New York. These trips are tied to what the
students are studying. |
| Grandparents Day - Once
a year, on St. Patricks Day, students are encouraged to bring a grandparent or
special friend to eat lunch with them. This is a fun day for everyone! |
| Instrumental Music Program - The Instrumental Music
Program is open to students in grades 4 through 8. this program is offered as an
extra-curricular activity. All band students take lessons once a week during the
school day and have recess or after-school practices depending on their band group.
Parents who want their child to participate in this program sign a contract directly with
the instrumental Music Program. |
| Jump Rope For Heart - In
Gym class, students may jump and get pledges from their family and friends. Benefits
from Jump Rope for Heart are donated to the American Heart Association. |
| Math Teams - Students
are motivated to join competitive math teams outside of class. |
| Music Ministry - The Music Ministry for our
liturgies is very important. Students who play an instrument and those that enjoy
singing can volunteer for this group. This group is led by Ms. Amato. |
| National Geographic Geography Bee - Every year, the middle school students take place in class wide geography bees.
The school winner goes on to a statewide championship. |
| Out Reach Activities |
| Rainbows For All God's Children - Rainbows is a
program designed as a support group for students dealing with divorce, separation, or
death. Students work in small groups with trained facilitators to help them work
through the "rough times." This programs meets during the lunch
period. A wrap-up party is held in the Spring for parents and students. |
| Safety Patrol - Students in the Middle School can
volunteer to serve the school community as members of the Safety Patrol. this helps
make our parking lots safe for all students before and after school. Members of the
Safety Patrol must maintain S or O grades in conduct each marking period. Earning N
or U in conduct will eliminate students from the patrol until the grade improves in the
following marking period. Two of our teachers serve as moderators. |
| Science Fair - Middle
School students create an experiment, test it and write a documentary on what they have
discoveries. A poster board is used in this project. This is usually a major part of
second trimester grade. If students do not procrastinate, this can be an easy project.
There is 2 months allotted to do the project in. |
| Social Studies Fair - Middle
School students find an interesting topic and do a report on it. A poster board is used in
this project. This is usually a major part of second trimester grade. There is 2 months
allotted to do the project in. The science and social studies fairs are alternated each
year. |
| Speech and Language Development - Referrals are made
by the classroom teacher or a a result of testing. Services are offered one day per
week. |
| Student Classroom Helpers - Students may stay after school or stay in at recess to help a favorite teacher to
clean up or grade papers. |
| Student Council - The Student Council offers the
students in grades 5 through 8 the opportunity to grow in leadership and responsibility.
Officers are elected yearly from the middle school. Our Student Council
follows the constitution of the National Association of Elementary School Student
Councils. |
| Student Ushers - Middle School students serve as
student ushers for school liturgies. |
| Summer Programs - Summer Programs are offered each
year. Students may sign up for remedial, reinforcement, or study skills.
Parents are notified in May of the teachers who will be tutoring during the summer and the
associated fees. |
| Track and Field Teams - The Track and Field Team
competes in programs sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in the spring. This is
coordinated by our PE teacher and volunteer coaches. Students in grades 5 to 8
compete for placement on the team through a series or practices and tryouts. (Students
having one or more D's, E's or 5's on the second report card are not eligible for the
team.) |
| Volunteer Appreciation Day - At the end of the school year, any volunteer that has helped the school may go to
a prayer service so the students may say thank you and express their appreciation. |
| Middle School Productions - Every year the middle school produces a play like Romeo and Juliet or Cats. The art and library teacher coordinates
it. There is a lot of song, dance, and work involved. In the end it is a beautiful
performance. |