The following descriptions highlight major Policies of the St. Joseph School; for a complete description of all regulations, please see the Parent/Student Handbook for the current year. [Dress Code][Discipline Code][The School Day]
Girls Grades 1 - 5 Grades 6 - 8 Girls Grades 1 - 8 - PE Uniform Warm Weather Option: Hair Accessories
Boys Grades 1 - 5 Grades 6 - 8 Boys Grades 1 - 8 - PE Uniform Warm Weather Option Hair Accessories "Out of Uniform" Days Purchase P.J. McEvoy, Inc.
The final decision as to what constitutes proper and /or appropriate dress and grooming rest with the administration.
Code of Conduct/Discipline Code
St. Joseph School is a Catholic community committed to fostering respect an mutual support in recognition of each person's uniqueness. Enrollment in St. Joseph School indicates a willingness by students and parents to fully participate in creating an environment where person Christian growth and learning can take place. This obligation is extended to each member of the school community. One of the primary goals of St. Joseph School is to help the student assume responsibility for his/her action as members of the school community. It is our belief that an individual's responsibility is part of the commitment to a Christian way of living. With this in mind, it is expected that students follow and obey all established school rules and regulations as well as the ordinary rules of good behavior, courtesy, and respect for others that reflect Christian values. Since the teacher of St. Joseph School are dedicated to guide and teach students, classroom order and discipline are consistent with the school's philosophy and doe of conduct. Each teacher is responsible for the discipline in his/her classroom. Students are mad aware of these expectations as the school year begins and periodically as needed. It is the obligation of all students and parents to be familiar with this code of conduct.
Discipline Review At the end of each marking period, the administration will review the discipline records of those students with a history of poor conduct. Based on that review, students may be asked to withdraw from St. Joseph School or may be allowed to return only under probationary conditions.
The Primary Grades - Grades K -3 The primary grades fully support the St. Joseph School philosophy of discipline and code of conduct. The teachers reinforce the importance of good manners, courtesy, and respect of the individual in their daily activities. Consequences and rewards help teach responsibility for one's choices. The teacher will try to eliminate negative behavior by working with the student on a one-to-one basis. If the negative behavior continues, the student's parents will be contacted and made aware of the problem. Their input, assistance, and support in resolving the problem is expected. In more serious cases, the teacher, students and parents will meet with a member of the administrative team to develop a plan of action.
The Intermediate Grades - Grades 4 -5 The intermediate grades continue to hold each student responsible for their actions and choices. The expectations in the code of conduct reflect the expectations of the intermediate grades. Although discipline is handled on a one-to-one basis, there are consequences for negative behaviors. Negative behaviors are listed below as minor and major offenses. Demerits and/or detentions are issued in grades 4-5. We realize that infraction vary in degree and seriousness and consequences should vary accordingly. A DEMERIT means that the student loses socializing time at recess. Demerits are served on Wednesday. DETENTIONS are a more serious consequence and are served after school until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Written notification of the demerit or the detention is sent home to the parents. The student's awareness of the problem is reflected in his/her signature on the notification. It is hoped that the students realize the need for improvement and growth. A parent's signature is required on the demerit/detention form so that the line of communication is completed. The white signed copy is returned to the issuing teacher. Demerits and detentions do NOT become part of the student's permanent record. Both demerits and detentions may be issued by any faculty member or administrator. This written notice serves as a quick and easy method of communication among the student, teacher, and parent. Demerits/detentions accrue for each marking period. Demerits* are issued for an infraction of a minor offense; detentions* are issued for an infraction of a major offense. If a student receives two (2) demerits and /or detentions in (1) marking period, detentions are issued from that time until the end of that marking period. If three (3) detentions accrue in one (1) marking period, a conference with the student, teachers, parents, and a member of the administrative team occurs; the student serves an in-house suspension. any students who accrues two (2) in-house suspensions within one (1) marking period may be suspended, asked to withdraw, or be expelled.
The Middle School - Grades 6 - 8 Students in the middle school are the school's leaders and serve as examples to the younger students. Their positive behavior and sense of responsibility as Christians are expected to be strong. The student's growth and understanding of appropriate behavior and dress code are the expectation of all faculty. Therefore, the consequences for negative behavior represent the higher level of expectation SJS has for its middle school students. Demerits and detentions for minor and major offenses accrue for the
entire school year. Infractions that relate to daily assignments and due
dates accrue for each marking period. A demerit is served during lunch and break on Wednesdays. This means that the student has lost the privilege of Wednesday Mixers. Detentions are a more serious consequence and are served on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m. Written notice of the demerit or detention is sent home to the parents. The student's signature demonstrates their awareness of the problem/negative behavior. It serves as the formal communication between school and home just as it does in the intermediate grades. The signed white copy is returned to the issuing teacher. Ample notice is given to adjust after school pick-up or rescheduling of appointments when a detention must be served. Failure to appear for a detention for any reason may result in an in-house suspension. Any faculty member may issue a demerit or detention if a student violates the code of conduct. NOTE: In-house suspension means that the student does academic work under supervision in a grade level other than his or her own grade. The student takes no part in his/her regular day. Classwork, tests, quizzes, etc. that are missed when a student is in "in-house suspension" cannot be made up. The student begins and ends his/her day in the school office. All work done is turned in to the principal or assistant principal. Unlike a suspension when a student is required to stay at home, the "in-house suspension" does not appear on any permanent or transferable records. Minor Offenses: Major Offenses: *NOTE: The teachers/administrators have the option of issuing a demerit or detention for any offenses depending on the circumstances of the action. Obviously, a list of minor and major offense can never be entirely inclusive. Detentions do not have to be preceded by demerits. Demerits and detentions for minor and major offenses above accrue for the entire school year. Failure to complete assignments on time and/or failure to return signed papers, reports, tests, mid-terms, demerits, detentions, etc. also results in a demerit or detention. These, however, are dissolved when report cards are issued.
Search and Seizure As a non-public school, St. Joseph School reserves the right to search any area(s) under the student's control to help enforce rules and preserve a safe and orderly learning environment.
Suspension Students who violate school rules may be suspended from school for up to five (5) days, depending on the seriousness of the actions. Suspensions that result in the student staying home are documented on a student's cumulative record that is part of the permanent file. During the time of any suspension all missed classwork, quizzes, tests, etc. receive no credit and may not be made up. Some reasons that warrant suspension include, but are not limited to, the
Expulsion The following documented behaviors will result in immediate expulsion from
St. Joseph School: *St. Joseph School Board Finance Committee will consider requests for exceptions to this policy on an individual basis, only if it judges extraordinary circumstances have been demonstrated.
On regular school days, St. Joseph School admits students to the building at 8:00 AM and dismisses students at 2:50 PM. On regularly scheduled half-days, the school admits students at 8:00 AM and dismisses at 12:00 (noon). Students who arrive after 8:10 AM are marked late and must report to the office before reporting to homeroom. Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 AM since teachers and other supervisory personnel are not on the property prior to that time. The School is not liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur on the school property prior to 8:00 AM. For the safety of your child, please refrain from early drop offs. Any students remaining on the school property after 3:15 PM on regular school days or after 12:15 PM on early dismissal days will be taken inside and supervised by a faculty member. A fee calculated on the length of time of such supervision will be charged on a car pool basis. The fee will be $5.00 for the first 15 minutes or portion thereof and $3.00 for every subsequent 5 minutes or portion thereof. Payment is expected when the student(s) is (are) signed out OR payment should be turned into the school office prior to 8:00 AM on the next school day. This payment is considered an obligation to the school. (Policy 3/98) The school is not responsible for supervision of students before or after the times stated above, and the school is not liable for any injuries or accidents which may occur. This is required by insurance coverage and is done for the safety of the children. Parents are advised, therefore, to follow the times stated above. If the student is participating in a scheduled, supervised activity before or after the hours noted above, specific arrangements must be made for drop-off and/or pick-up at the designated times. If children are participating in the White Marsh Child Care Center before-school or after-school care program, parents must comply with the rules established by the program for dropping-off and picking- up.
Attendance/Absence All students in Catholic Schools are expected to "attend school regularly and are held accountable for time(s) they are absent from school. More than 20 days absence per year is considered excessive." (D of CS Policy Statement) Students attendance is required for an optimum education. Attendance at daily at daily classes must be regular and punctual. If a student is absent for more than 20 days in the school year, the school may require summer school, additional home tutoring with a qualified tutor, and reserves the right to possibly retain the student due to excessive absenteeism. The school also reserves the right to notify the Baltimore County Pupil Personnel Office in cases of excessive or unexcused absence. All attendance is recorded by the homeroom teacher. Students are considered late if they arrive after 8:10 AM on regular school days. They must report to the office with a note explaining the lateness BEFORE going to homeroom. (4 instructional hours are required for a student to be considered present for a school day.) Requests doe extended absence are filed in the students cumulative file. The school will not approve time off from school for family trips, vacations. etc. This is a parental decision. Teachers are not required to plan work ahead for a student. The teachers will gather work while the student is away, and it will be given upon the students return to school. Students taking time off from school for other than illness or bereavement are responsible for making up all work in a timely manner, and missed tests will be given at times convenient to the teacher. Parents may request work when a child is ill by calling the office before 11:00 AM. Work maybe picked up in the office after 2:30 PM or may be sent home with a sibling or other student.
Request for Early Dismissal In case it becomes necessary for a child to be dismissed early, the parent must come to the school office to pick up the student. Under no circumstances will a child be permitted to leave otherwise. A note requesting the early dismissal should be sent to the office prior to the first class for the principals approval.
Inclement/Hot Weather Normally, St. Joseph School follows the decision made by Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) as the weather related closings and late openings. If the BCPS are not in session, listen for an announcement about "Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Baltimore " or for "St. Joseph School Fullerton". This is also true during times of extreme heat. As many of the BCPS are air-conditioned, they remain open while the Archdiocese (or St. Joseph School) may choose to close. Please keep this situation in mind during early September, late May, and June. Listen to the radio station WBAL-AM for the most current and accurate information. If St. Joseph School has scheduled a NOON DISMISSAL and Baltimore County Public Schools announce a "2-hour delayed" opening, we will be CLOSED. ("1-hour delayed" means we will open at 9:00 AM and still dismiss at noon.) Please direct your child(ren) as to what you wish then to do in the event of early dismissal because of the weather. Students may NOT use the phone in the office. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL, RECTORY, OR CONVENT.
For additional St. Joseph School policies, see the current Student Handbook, or contact the school office. |